Spouse Meaning in Bengali

Spouse Meaning in Bengali : In Bengali culture, the institution of marriage is held in high regard. It is viewed as a sacred bond between two individuals, where they pledge to spend the rest of their lives together, through good times and bad. The word used to refer to a spouse in Bengali is “স্বামী” (shami) for husband and “স্ত্রী” (stri) for wife. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the meaning and significance of these words in Bengali culture.

Spouse Meaning in Bengali

Spouse Meaning in Bengali

The Bengali word (Spouse Meaning in Bengali) for husband, “স্বামী” (shami), comes from the Sanskrit word “svami,” which means lord or master. In Bengali culture, the husband is viewed as the head of the family and the protector of his wife and children. He is expected to provide for his family, both emotionally and financially. A good husband is someone who is loving, caring, and respectful towards his wife, and who is willing to make sacrifices for the well-being of his family.

Similarly, the Bengali word for wife, “স্ত্রী” (stri), comes from the Sanskrit word “stri,” which means woman. In Bengali culture, the wife is viewed as the foundation of the family. She is expected to take care of the household, raise the children, and provide emotional support to her husband. A good wife is someone who is loving, caring, and supportive towards her husband, and who is willing to make sacrifices for the well-being of her family.

In Bengali culture, the relationship between a husband and wife is seen as a partnership based on love, trust, and mutual respect. It is a relationship that requires constant effort and commitment from both parties. The husband and wife are expected to communicate openly and honestly with each other, and to work together to overcome any challenges that may arise.

The Bengali culture also places a great emphasis on family values. In Bengali households, it is common for multiple generations to live together under one roof. This means that the relationship between a husband and wife extends beyond just the two of them and also includes their extended family members. In such an environment, it is important for the husband and wife to not only maintain a strong bond with each other but also with their respective families.

In Bengali weddings, the husband and wife exchange vows in front of a holy fire, promising to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. This ceremony is considered to be one of the most important events in a person’s life, and it is a time for celebration and joy.


The Spouse Meaning in Bengali culture goes beyond just a legal relationship between two individuals. It is a bond that is based on love, trust, and mutual respect, and it is a relationship that requires constant effort and commitment from both parties.

The husband and wife are viewed as partners in life, who work together to overcome any challenges that may come their way. In Bengali culture, the relationship between a husband and wife is seen as an important part of the family unit, and it is a bond that is cherished and celebrated throughout their lives.

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